In case Mummy inquires as to why there is water all over the
floor surrounding the toilet in the guest bath, anyone who sees her can let her
know that a certain well-intentioned fellow wearing a grey coat sort of
accidentally dropped his mouse into the bowl and had to retrieve it.
It was not easy.
She will be pleased to know as well, I am sure, that the
mouse is in excellent health and recuperating nicely on the bedroom rug. Augustus,
er, that is, the Fellow With The Grey Coat, is a bit soaked but otherwise
unharmed. One can also tell Mummy there is no need to search for the
grey-cloaked guy as he is nowhere she has ever heard of and unlikely to be seen
again this century.
Or at least until dinner…
Thanks for your help, whoever deigns to intervene, er,
Now this is funny! you are going to be in big trouble so better stay hid for a while. heh heh