Mummy is so busted!
She has been sneaking
out onto the deck this past couple of weeks and spending too much time with Mithril, one
of the outdoor cats. She thinks I don't notice but Mummy has also been spied
carrying the One-Eyed Monster (aka digital camera) along for the excursions, and I, being
the clever fellow that I am, have rummaged through her office and found the
evidence of what I knew to be another disaster in the making –
Yep, we have newborn
kittens in the vicinity, and I am hereby exposing Mummy's fell deeds of oohing
and aahing over the little blighters on a consistent basis with intent to upset our happy home life.
Presenting Exhibit A, Mithril and Kits, born August 16, 2012.
As if Mosby and Morgan weren't bad enough....
Fuzzy intruders!
awwww...they are cute, Gussie! Maybe you should keep them! ;)