I am so embarrassed – during a recent grooming session, Mummy
discovered a whacking great piece of sticky paper wadded up in my tummy curls.
I have no explanation for how it got there (or how long it had been there since
it has been a couple of weeks since I had a decent brushing. *ahem*) but I am
convinced it is unrelated to the Tape Incident.
This was paper of a different nature: it appeared to be some sort of label or price tag. It was difficult to make out the wording; the only things legible were “reduced” and “.00.”
This was paper of a different nature: it appeared to be some sort of label or price tag. It was difficult to make out the wording; the only things legible were “reduced” and “.00.”
Mummy, of course, read that aloud to everyone, causing quite
a stir of snickers about me being for sale on the cheap.
Such comedians.
I s’pose we should go over to the nursing home next and wax
the steps…
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