There I was, alone in
the dark on the bathroom counter facing the shiny wall, waiting for a drink (and hoping it would be
on time today), when entered Mummy. She touched the magic button on the wall
and on came the lights. Next – one will hardly believe this – a strange fellow
appeared before me instanter, making me jump not a little! My back had been to
the door so I have no inkling how or when he entered said bathroom but there he
was, plain as day, simply staring straight into my eyes.
I was startled not a
little and must have jumped 5 inches off the marble tiles. In an odd
coincidence, this stranger jumped at precisely the same moment. I was aghast,
as he also seemed to be (or was he a ghost?). I took another look at the fellow
before me – he was actually quite handsome (for an intruder), and wore a lovely
gray coat, full and lush, similar in style to my own. Another amazing
Still, I could not
help but think, dashing as this apparent apparition was, he simply did not
belong. I mean to say, there are laws about this sort of thing, breaking and
entering one’s bathroom and boldly staring one down in broad lamplight! I
glanced around at Mummy to get her take on it but she seemed to give him no
notice whatever.
I was stymied.
At that moment I
realized it was up to me to be the decisive one. Shifting my gaze sideways once
more in hopes that the Gray Guy had vanished, and seeing him utterly mimicking
my every move right down to peeking at me from the corner of his (by now)
saucer-sized green eyes, my solution was developed and placed into immediate
action. Abandoning all notions of drinks for the moment (one has one’s
priorities) I bolted for the open spaces beyond the bathroom door, leaving
Mummy to deal with this wild-eyed stranger. The handsome fellow seemed to do
the same, if my peripheral vision did not deceive me under such duress, but it
no longer mattered what he did. My thoughts were focused on one goal - to run
as fast as I could to the living room and dive behind the sofa. At least the
worst I could encounter there was a dust bunny or two.
Hey – these guys sort
of look like me, too!
Uh oh….
Oh Gussie - you are too funny!